We Human beings are social creatures. We can not survive alone. right from Stoneage to date we live in groups. That's how societies formed. There is a catch. Where ever people gather there will be a business opportunity.
Let's Talk a little bit about social media. Many people in this Younger generation are completely avoiding social gathering "physical" and moving to Virtual Fronts, like social media.
With the Help of faster cheaper internet Every year, there is an increasing number of people signing up for and using social media and this will continue for a while. No doubt in that.
They are good to meet like-minded people and get to know each other fast. There are no barriers to this. As you may be living in The US, you can make friends in India, or somewhere in Afrika("not in China").
Here are some interesting stats on social media.
Back in 2010, no one would imagine social media would get a billion users. But It happened. but the number exceeded more than 2 billion within just five years. In 2019, there were around 2.77 billion people using social media.
With smartphones and internet connectivity becoming cheaper and easier to access, we can expect to see these numbers grow even higher within no time. It is estimated that by 2021, more than 3 billion people will be on social media.
Let's talk about all the social media platforms that will help your blog to grow. Some of these platforms help the readers directly go back to your site without leaving those platforms and some are closed-loop systems. In Which you the reader will stay on that platform.
For Starters Social media Marketing is the best way to get traction after Guest posting.
Social Media Marketing
Here is the list of social media platforms that are going to help your journey in raking in organic results.
Lets Start with Good Old Facebook
Facebook one of the earliest social media platforms currently the largest social media site in the world. According to Statista, It holds more than 2.6 billion monthly active users record as of 2020 which means every social media user is on Facebook.

If there are so many people are in there we can definitely say that there is a Market potential rite. It is an excellent platform for brands, businesses to market their products to a huge audience.
Users can share text posts, links, images, and videos with their Facebook friends. They can follow famous people and pages and react to people’s posts on the platform. Brands can also promote their products using paid ads on Facebook.
However, there is a downside to it. Till 2018 it is easy to divert Facebook traffic to your site, but they have decided it be a closed-loop system. It means they want their users to stay on their platforms.
The only place where you can place your website link is on your profile page. Just like in the olden days you can not place links in the descriptions or in comments.
However, you can build a strong brand identity because it has the largest audience base.
Another most used platforms that are very effective. If your a Tech or News Blogger this suits it very well. Because it lets users stay on top of trending topics and engage in relevant conversations.
In 2019, the platform had over 330 million monthly active users. While it doesn’t have as many users as other top social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, it does have a highly engaged user base.
On Average Twitter users send out at least 500 million tweets per day and this may vary drastically where ever there is hot tech news. For many activists and politicians as well as teaches it is the go-to place.
It has a high conversion rate when compared to Facebook. especially for Tech related products, or information.
The only limit is you can text up to 500 words. But you need to be active, I mean don't just focus only on promoting your services or content, be generic and focus on trendy topics and then focus on your blog. Check this interesting Stuff on Twiter.
It is also the oldest but powerful social media sites out there. Many people see it as a microblogging site. Yes, it is true it is both Blog and social media site. Here Users can join communities and participate in events to expand their ideas.
It’s one of the top social media sites for self-expression (personal Blogging) and is very popular among teens. However, it is most successful in the States and a few western countries.
As of February 2020, there were a total of 327 million unique visitors to the website.
You can have "your name.tumbler.com" and also you can have a custom domain name as well but it costs little money.
Unlike Facebook and Instagram, it won't keep you in a closed loop. You can attach links that can directly link your site.
It is a really great platform if your audiences are primarily located in the US, Canada, and in Europian countries.
Pinterest one of my favorite sites out there that drives really good traffic to your site. It is both a social media platform and also Virtual Searchengine.
As it is a virtual scrapbooking social media site and is, therefore, highly visual, it means you can post visuals, Like images. Here users can create themed boards and add images and products to the board.
In 2019, there were 400 million monthly active users on the platform. These users have created more than 200 billion pins on over 4 billion boards. It has a variety of audience bases. On average, the customer demographics are between 25-35.
Because the customer bases are in these demographics they get to spend more money than teens that are in 18-24.
You simply need to add an image that describes the image and place a link to it. Then the people would click on the images, it will direct them directly to the site.
It has both organic and ad platform, Where you can promote your blog. This is more effective when compared to Facebook.
The Best Professional social media site that makes a lot of difference when it comes to Tech and services. It is very popular among a B2B audience. The platform has grown rapidly over the years and currently has 690 million members.
Members can expand their professional connections on the platform, and also they can showcase their portfolios, and search and apply for carrier opportunities.

If you're Looking for a Job first you need to work on linked and then go to resume. 9 out of 10 Hiring professionals look into Linkedin even before Resume.
LinkedIn is also an excellent platform to share your professional expertise, thoughts, ideas, as it has well established and focussed professional in that industry.
If you own a Tech or Service-oriented Blog then You should focus more on linked in than any other platforms.
It is not limited to Blogs, You can also advertise and attract leads. It is a very user-friendly site.
Another Facebook (acquired) platform. It was a really trending and one of the fastest-growing social networking platforms since 2016. Thanks to User experience focused, it can help you share images, and videos instantly.
It is very popular among lifestyle bloggers and influencers.

It is very popular among the younger generations. According to Statista, 32% of users are aged between 18 and 24, and 60% are aged between 25 and 34. It is a purely visual platform. just like Pinterest, you can share images and also videos. By 2018 it reached 1 Billion marks. The majority of younger Facebook users are more likely to shift to Instagram.
It is a purely app-based platform. It means you need to have one mobile. You can also use the desktop, but its primary focus is on mobile users.
It another Facebook (acquired) platform. WhatsApp is a messaging app that lets users share text messages, images, voice notes, audio files, documents, and videos.
by the end of March 2020, WhatsApp has little over 2 billion monthly users. It has a strong user base in developing countries like India, and other Asian countries, the Middle East, and African parts. It has a fewer customer base in the US and in Canada.

It is easy to create groups and make video calls directly. Before 2016 you could make one on one calls. But with the latest updates, you can make group calls.
It is easy to share ideas and information. But the conversion ratio is a little less when compared with Instagram and Facebook.
If you run a physical shop with location-specific services it will very help full and easy in reaching the end customers.
Reddit one of the efficient social media platforms out there. It is a goto place to find the latest news and other interesting information. Where the group discussions are really useful.
It has a huge and loyal community. Reddit gets over 1.3 billion monthly visitors. It gets most of its traffic from the US, followed by the UK and Canada.

But if you have an idea then go this platform and take suggestions. You can also get information related to technology, News, and product/services updates.
If you're stuck with a topic then ask any it on Reddit. You get to know the real potential of it. You can share all kinds of stuff, like images, videos, and text/ code if you're a techie.
If you're a youtube then it is a completely new story. If you have the valuable content, it is suggestible to go for youtube. It is the largest video-sharing social media site in the world. It has little over 2 Billion monthly active users in 2019.
It is also the fastest-growing video platform. Google drives the majority of its revenue from Youtube. It is projected to grow much faster, than any other video platform.

On average users spend 40 minutes of their time on youtube, which is a lot when compared ROI ratio. If users are staying that much time then there is a real marketing opportunity.
This Q&A Platform that helps to drive traffic to your site and helps your journey in organic ranking. This is similar to asking questions to a teacher. By the end of 2018, it has 300 Million Active users.
Anyone in your niche or outsiders askes a question and you answer to that and also places a link in that answer. After Pinterest, this has a high conversion rate.
The audience is well aware of what they want and they can convert quickly if you have answered in the best way.
Tik Tok
I hate to say this. But it is also a potential marketing platform.
TikTok is a short-form video sharing platform that has become quite popular within a short span of time since its launch in 2016. It is also the most downloaded app in 2019 and in early 2020.
It is a chines app that was created by ByteDance chins company. This app is famous for its lip-sync videos and has over 800 million monthly users.
It was caught in between political and privacy concerns over time. Countries like India and the US are banning chines apps. And many other countries are in the phase of banning it.
Right now we can not bet or decide the fate of TikTok. Time will tell, how this going to change. For More information about Tik-Tok click here.
Other Platforms
Some other platforms like Vimeo, which is an alternative to Youtube is advised if you like to embed videos. As this is not reelected by organizations. Snapchat also helps in marketing. I mean, especially for influencers, and lifestyle bloggers.
All these platforms are as effective as you use them. They will help to socialize. if you're active on them, then it is a good sign towards progress.
For everything you need patience. It takes time to build loyal audiences, and drive them towards, your blog. Even before that you need to have enough content to retain them.
For Starters, I mean whoever fresh to blogging, this is the best short to reach the potential customers. These platforms are very effective, but not that much as organic results. These platforms can also help you expand your network.
You can reach any part of the world. If you’re an influencer or a consumer, you can use these sites to connect with like-minded people, any time.
One of the easiest yet Good Old / Modern ways to get public. I mean to get visible to the masses. I know this sounds a bit awkward. The advantage is that if you get to know your audience then your most likely to know their tastes and preferences, which intern helps you to tailor your products or services.
So what are your thoughts, if you learn anything leave a comment, below in the comments section. If you have any tips like that share it across.
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