"You can't build a legacy without tools". I don't know, I'm not a point. I'm just trying to say here is the list of top tools that I, we, most bloggers and website owners use.
Tools that you should know
free tool by Google. This simple tool gives you the speed and other information about your site within seconds.

PageSpeed Insights reports on the performance of a page on both mobile and desktop devices and provides suggestions on how that page may be improved. For more details use this link.
Another free tool offered by Google. This tool is the most used among all the other tools out there in the market. Thanks to Google, this tool is free for all.
This tool gives you full control over your website or the blog. You can track and measure all the information that you put on the blog.

With Google Analytics, you can see what is going on on your website, in real-time. How may are currently using your website and where are they from.

You can see from which part of the world they are from and what is the time frame, From which device they are using and from which browser.
There is much more you can cover with this tool. Once again this is a free tool from Google, so your data will be safe and secure.
3. Google search
Google is a simple and free way to know keywords. Simply hover over to google and start typing the keywords you'll get the most relevant keywords.
All these results are the keywords of that particular kind.
4. Google Trends
Google Trends are another free tool that was offered by Google. it is the most used free tool.
Let's have the same example as the above search. "car insurance"
5. Google Keyword Planner
Google Adword planner this one is also called as google ads. It was primarily meant for google ads. But this also serves as a keyword finder.
Let's take Coffee as a search term and search it on the Keyword planner.
This is an extension to your browser. This tool is also free.
Let's take the same example "Coffee"
This gives you many options like Historical trend, most relevant ways, and you can also export them to excel file.
This is one of the interesting tools that I've been using and impressed.
Let's try the same example "Coffee"
Don't you think this is the best tool?
You can export the same to an excel file.
This is a totally Different tool that you can use for keyword research. Simply type any keyword in the search bar in amazon it gives you the related search results. If you're doing amazon affiliation this might work pretty well.
9. Wikipedia
once upon a time this was my best tool. It is the best way to find relevant results.
All those links also act as a keyword.
Let's talk about paid services. "Paid"
This is the most used free tool. This comes with a 30-day free trial. Compared with other tools it is most used.
This a tool that was made by Neil Patel, founder of Ubersuggest. This is free. but you can not get the best about it unless you have a subscription.
This is the most premium tool among all. But the value that you can get out of it is tremendous. But for Beginners, I won't suggest this tool.
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