A sponsored post is another form of advertising. Do you believe that? Yes, you have to. Let me explain.
You and I write content on our blogs, right. Similarly, a brand will hire you to write an article on their products or services. Generally, any of these businesses will pay $1000s just to keep an article of their product or services on your blog post.
For Example: If Apple Launches a New Software that tracks your heart rate, Blood pressure, and other vital organs, then it will initially go to the niches, "Health blogs" with a large number of audience and then ask them to review and write an article on it.
If you're a health Blogger, will agree to publish this New services of Apple on your blog and you'll charge them accordingly.
From the Customer/Reader point of view, it is another article that you wrote, but from you're perspective it is a sponsored post, but from a business point of view it is an Advertisement.
What does the business need, to reach the masses, and how do they do it through advertising. If you're the king in a particular niche, they'll come to you just to publish this article.
What are Sponsored Post?
Sponsored post means, you as a writer of a community/Niche will be hired by some businesses to write a post on your Blog, about their products or services.
A sponsored blog post is when a company pays for you to write a post on your website.
A sponsored blog post is a place when a Business/Company wants to use your platform (Blog, Youtube, Social Media Platforms, Emails, NEWS letters, anywhere) for advertising. What they want is, you to write an article about them". They need your Touch of their product to reach your audience.

There is no rocket science involved in it. It is very simple, A Business/Company reaches out to you and asks you to write content about their product or service. It may be a review of a product or the creation of a recipe for projects and invoke their services in it.
Ex: If you're constructing a wooden house, you might have to mention various tools, in that process, you'll be asked to pitch their product more. "Bosch will give you tools to review them".
Sometimes Business/Companies will give you a script or points to be highlighted in the conversation or in the blog post. However, the rest is in your hands. You will write the post in your own voice and format.
Remember: It shouldn't look artificial or look like other words. If a reader finds out that it is not you, you might loos that particular customer also.
Sponsors (Business/Companies) love to use bloggers, YouTubes, and podcasters to get the word out about their brand as it is more affordable, even compared with google ads.
There is another reason, if you're niche-specific, you'll have loyal followers, so penetrating into loyal followers is much easier than placing ads on websites. So, if you discuss a product or service, then they will be more likely to use it too because most of the time you would have used it.
Note: Unless you believe in that product or services don't even give a thought of writing a blog on that.
Now we know what is a Sponsor post is, let's move on to another important topic, "How does a Sponsor post-work?"
How does a Sponsor post work?
I can Bet this would be your second question. How does a Sponsor post-work? Righ. Let's find out how it works.

We'll start from the beginning. You're a Blogger Or youtube or an Influencer on social media in a Niche. You have a large number of followers. "Loyal Followers". You are open to writing sponsor blog posts on the topic of your niche.
You need to set up a Contact page, where you are willing to write a Sponsored post. Then Business will approach you to enquire about your blog and your authority.
They'll do some research as well, if they find you have large followers and good ranking on google and on youtube, then they will ask you to review their terms and conditions, this time you need to have to have same, as terms and conditions.
Then they will ask to review a product or service. Sometimes they'll give some scripts, that you need to include in your article at any cost.
You'll agree to publish on all your platforms for a certain period of time, and then you'll charge them, accordingly.
On average some bloggers charge $1200 per year, just to keep their article on your blog. If you wish to promote regularly, then you can charge them accordingly.
Now we know how does a Sponsor blog posts works, let's ask this question. "Why should I go after Sponsorships" in the first place.
Why should I go after Sponsorships?
Is this Purely about Money? No, isn't. I can bet on it. If you think Sponsorships are purely about Money, you're definitely wrong.
Sometimes you need to post articles purely for free. What I mean to say, is you can not get Apples in the first place. You need to start for Free.

As a Blogger making money wasn't a great problem. There are excellent ways where You can make money. Like Banner Ads, Affiliate Marketing, or any other forms.
But why Sponsorships?
The simple reason is if you don't do it someone else will do it.
So should I do it just for the sake of making it? "No".
Sponsor posts are the best way to explain products or services. Yes, getting sponsor approval is not that easy. But once you get hang of it, then it'll be easy.
If you're into law you might have known this quote."You'll remember your first case for a lifetime".
Just like that, writing the first sponsor post will be a lifetime experience. But landing there is not that easy. You need to have good authority over the web and in the niche.
ROI in Sponsor post is much higher than any other form of advertisement. Tell me how many times did you click on the sidebar ads? I can say 0 times. But how many times did you click on a link, where you found it more interesting? I can say at least 25 times on average.
Yes, it is true. Knowingly or unknowingly you would have done it.

Sponsors are willing to spend more money via sponsorships than ads because these options are more economical compared to any other form of ads.
They want to work with you because you are an influencer and have a connection to the target audience, exactly what they are looking after. So it is a "Win-Win-Win" situation.
As a blogger, we initially focus on getting traffic, then subscribers than on conversions. Similarly, they as sponsors are looking after conversions.
In simple words, A sponsored post is a simple and best way to generate new valuable content for your blog and get paid for it.
"You as a Blogger, get Money for writing articles"
"Business as a Sponsor to the article pay you as they get customers"
"Readers get to know about the products and services from you, as you had the first-hand experience"
It is a WIN-WIN-WIN situation.
Okay, now I've clarity, what I want to do. But how to Make More Money with Sponsors?
How to Make More Money with Sponsors?
There are a million ways you can make money with your blog. No, I'm just kidding, But there are several other ways. But why should you go after this particular form?
It is a WIN-WIN-WIN for all the parties that are involved in the niche.
If you choose to make money via Sponsor posts then you might have thought in three ways, One is you'll have 1. Content, 2. Money for Writing and 3. More Loyal Followers and sponsors.

If you think making money via banner ads is easier and more then you need to rethink. Yes, you can make more money with banner ads, if you have millions of readers, but sponsored posts are much better than that.
Check out the following rate card. you'll get to know how to charge, a sponsored post on your blog.
How much should I charge for sponsored posts?
Many bloggers would argue this point.
You as an owner of the blog can charge as you like. But there are some standards that anyone would like to follow right.
Here is the basic rate chart that most would use at the time of sponsor blog posts.
Note: These rates are for Blog Posts, not for Instagram sponsorships.

Now you know what are the rates, parameters, that are seen before going for a Sponsor post, right. These rates will vary drastically from Niche to Nice and from person to person.
For Example, Binance would charge $10000 for sponsorship, and Taylor Swift would charge $100,000 for the same sponsor.
Everything depends on the followers and on the authority that you have in that niche.
Useful tips and tricks for Sponsored blog post
These are some of the following tips and tricks that I have for you. and these vary much important as a Beginner to sponsored post writer. Let's check out them.
1. Start Small
Yes I know, What I'm saying. "Start Small".
Nowadays any startup or business would not agree to it. but it is true. You have to start somewhere. Right. Instead of starting Big and Failing Big doesn't look good. But if you start small and fail small will give you an edge and you'll understand what is going wrong.

The reason why I started negatively is that, if you know your failures, you won repeat them again and again.
If you ever involved in any kind of business activity you'll know the importance of
Start Small but Aim High
This is the important and single most important line that you and I need to remember while starting anything.
In this case, assuming you never wrote a Sponsor blog post, you need to start small. Which means you need to go to companies and offer them to write an article for free.
As you go on you'll understand the process and you can charge.
The reason why you need to start for free is you need to have some authority and proof to show, right. like testimonials.
2. Money or Value?
I know money is very important in everyone's life. That doesn't mean it would be the only one. which means, money should be a small part.
Think of this as if you are paying someone for something, what would you think? "Am I getting more value out of it or not" Right.

If you aim only after the money you'll get it, but your followers might leave you.
Even before going after going to sponsor, ask this to your self. Am I providing value to my readers or not. if you think you're proving good value you can go for it.
Remember Niche that you're in the Key. You can not promote petroleum products on environmental blogs.
3. Expectations, Experience, Reputation, and Influence
If you're a starter new in a field, most of the time no one will come forward to use it. But once you have "Experience" and "reputation" and "influence", you can attract anyone.
I know if you're new it will take time to know all this. But everything comes with time.
If you're a prominent blogger in a niche, your audience will have certain expectations of your content. Right. If you wrote a lame blog, your readers will lose trust.
These 4 Words are important.
- Expectations
- Expirence
- Reputation
- Influence
These 4 words determine your success in a Sponsored world. All this won't come overnight. But gradually you'll get to know them with Experience.
4. Payments in Advance!!!
If you're a starter you shouldn't ask for money, in the first place. Money should be your second preference. If you say " I won’t start writing a post until I’ve been paid". Won't work.

Sometimes Sponsors pay well in advance. but if your new they will pay only after reviewing your article.
So unless you convert some of your audience into their customers, they won't come back. They might pay you for now. This kind of business work only in long run. Building relation is very important.
5. Professionalism vs Non-Professionalism
Professionalism is a word? I don't know. I picked up from a conversation that I had long back with someone.
Tell me one thing, if you look like a Homeless man and trying to sell a car, who would buy? anyone would ask this. Where did you get the car? Even if it is yours.
But on the other hand, if you are well dressed and suite up, and trying to sell a stolen car, no one would ask you that question.
Soo, hope you got the gist what I'm trying to say. Right.
6. Quality vs Quantity vs Price
Generally what anyone would think is that if an article has more than 5000+ words, then it would be 100% authentic, and you and I can trust them. But that is not the point.
You need to compete for "Quality" not on "Quantity or on price".

Quality content is more important than price.
Generally what bloggers would do is, that, they will choose a niche and only focus on sponsors that are relevant to that particular niche. But, you need to know the importance of Quality/Value that you're providing to your readers.
Quality content always outperforms Price
Don't be afraid to write a sponsored post for less or for free. If the sponsor is happy about the sales that you got, then he'll come back to you again and again. Always look in long term.
7. Readers or Sponsors?
Remember this all the time. Your readers are more important then Sponsors.
You might lose a sponsor for good today. But he may come back again later someday. But if you lose a reader then it won't be that easy.

Ask this, are my readers/Customers are getting more value out of it or not. if they are not getting any benefit out of a sponsor pot, try to remove it. or don't promote it.
Initially, it would be a loss, but you get to know your reader's sentiment. When you start writing sponsored blog posts, you need to let your readers know why you’re doing, what you're doing and how it will benefit both you and the reader.
Always ask personal feedback on such posts. Only then do you get to know what is going on around that blog?
8. Build Relationship and Ask for Repeat business
Previously I said, that this is not one time task. If you give business to a particular sponsor he or she going to come to you for help again.
Always you need to work for the long term. Yes, you might make good money now. What about tomorrow. What if they increase pricing. So always try to build storm relations with sponsors.
Once you build a strong relationship, then you can ask for more business.
If your campaign is successful, then the sponsored will ask you to do this often. You don't have to go after other sponsors.
If you're giving really good business, you can charge more, for the posts that you make for that sponsor.
9. Are you Trustworthy?
Tell me one thing. Why should a Sponsor come to you in the first place? Is it because you can write 1500+ words articles about the product or service? or it is because you can sell the value of the product to your readers.
The reason is Selling value to your readers. If you're readers get to know about the product from a loyal source, they are most likely to buy them. So they sponsor will so anything just to promote services in your blog.

Nowadays many readers don't like to have ads in the article that they are reading. But there is a catch. If you wrote an article about a product or service, in detail, it is more likely to get succeed than placing ads.
This means ROI on a sponsored post is higher than Banner ads.
Yes I know Banners ads are the easiest way to make some money. But this work once you have thousands of visitors.
If your a trusted person in the niche 70% of times people will come to you. Building trust is not that easy. As I previously said, everything comes with experience and time.
10. Google is watching...
You and I know google is the king in the jungle. It has some rules that need to be followed by all the others.

You need to understand Google principles while writing a sponsored post. There are cases where google blocks the websites and blogs that are misleading the readers. Which means, placing misleading links and going after "Black hat" tricks for ranking.
There are Search engine optimization agencies buying links and so many low-quality sites that exist purely to sell links and improve search engine rankings. Which google doesn't allow.
If you try to manipulate by placing links often on the website, then you're most likely to get banned by google. Always look at your self in the reader/Customer point of view.
Here are some more best practices that you may like.
If you're looking more on how to get sponsored blog posts, then check out this interesting article from themeisle.
Now you know How to Making money with Sponsored posts and How Sponsored blog posts are the best for all the parties that are involved here.
As a Blogger, you'll have quality content and Money, As a Sponsor, you get brand exposure, and customers, as a Reader you get to know more about the product or service from a trusted person.
Writing high-quality content for sponsors and charging more is good for all the parties. You need to remember this all the time, You as a person recommending that particular product or service to others. Unless you used it, don't do that.
Give your honest review. You and I don't like to lose our readers just for the sake of money right. So be 100% honest about the product. If you really like it only then write a Sponsor blog post.
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