Picking a topic is not as easy as it is said. You and I can blog on anything and everything.
But there is a catch, if there are no viewers/Audience to that post that you worked very hard, would be virtually worthless.
Believe me guys, I made the same mistake, blogging whatever I liked.
This might have worked in the 2000s. But not it won't work at all. It ever owns see any page on google search results.
Pick a Topic
In this particular blog, ill tell you the process of picking the right topic that you can blog. and help you to choose the best one possible.
There are many bloggers on the internet and on YouTube say "Follow your passion" "Passion is the key" or "Run after money""Money is the Key" or "Start a blog on trendy thing" "everyone will search for the new trend" What??? Seriously dude!!!
These are the 10 Things that you need to remember when selecting a blog topic
1. Get to know yourself first
You're the one who is going to be with the blog right from day one. So you should know yourself first.
Just for the sake of money you want to blog means you may not be happy enough about it after some time.
- What is that you're passionate about?
- Are you willing to spend sleepless nights on it?
- What drives your weekends?
- If you're passionate about cars and vehicles pick a niche in that field and master that.
- Just for the sake of something or someone, don't run for it.
2. Know you're strengths and weakness
What are you're strengths and weakness? This question both of you're personal and professional life.
If you're happy with your personal life and not with professional life, then consider changing it. If you're happy with professional and not happy with personal life, take personal leave and try to understand what is going wrong.
I'm not taking personal lessons.
Believe me guys, you should figure out you're current situation. Know you're strengths and weakness.
For me personally, My strength is an addiction and that is my weakness too. I'll tell you why.
I like to watch TV series. I think my first TV series is "vampire diaries". On average it takes around 60 days to complete, if you see it 2 hours a day, there are around 300 episodes.
How many days do you think it took for me to complete it? 40 days or 50 days.
No, you're wrong.
I completed it within 10 days. First, I watched 3 episodes, I liked it very much, I postponed all the other things, and started it, and completed it. without no rest, day and night. "I don't like suspense"
I cont sleep with that.
That is called addiction. That is my strength and weakness.
3. Niche it Down
Previously in my blog "Start a Blog" I've mentioned the word "NICHE", do you remember!!! if not it's okay ill tell you about it in this article, and why this word will help you in picking the right topic.
There are many bloggers on the internet and on YouTube say "Follow your passion" "Passion is the key" or "Run after money""Money is the Key" or "Start a blog on trendy thing" "everyone will search for the new trend" What??? Seriously dude!!!
Okay, it doesn't matter, ignore that and follow me.
There is a marketing Term called "Niche"? Do you ever come across this ever if not you should chick my previous blog?
Previously in my blog "Start a Blog" I've mentioned the word "NICHE", do you remember!!! if not it's okay ill tell you about it in this blog, and why this word will help you in picking the right topic.
So what is Niche any way?
Don't worry guys ill tell you everything in detail about it, and why this will help you in picking the right Topic to blog.
Meaning according to Google.
How to find a Profitable niche
Now did you understand what Niche is? if yes that's great. If not don't worry read the following example, you'll understand.
1. Lamborghini, Porsche does not advertise on any platform. Do you know why They focus only on the top 1% of Rich people who have plenty of wealth? That means advertising on TV or Newspaper is not worthy of them.
Or take another example,
2. If you're a sportsperson. Then what sport do you like? If Cricket, then which team? If you like Chennai super kings, then which team player do you like. If Ms. Dhoni,
Now, You yourself defined a Niche. This will apply anywhere.
"Tesla and SpaceX are the Best examples for Niche"
4. Get to Know your Target Audience
First, you should know who is your audience, this is similar and dependent on the previous point. "Niche"
If you're able to define Niche properly this will be easy.
Did you ever hear "Behavioral Science" if not it deals with Social, cultural, psychological, economic, emotional, and political sciences? these are those that determine you're Audience.
You have to be very careful, with you're content, if you lose one target audience it is like losing your one-month revenue.
Now you may have this question in your mind, How to define Target Audience?
Here are the steps to define the target audience,
1. Create a profile
a. Age.
b. Gender.
c. Income.
d. Location.
2. Conduct a survey
a. Survey.
b. Interview.
c. Market research.
3. Assess you're offering
This will help you in understanding you're target audience. Let's move on.
5. Have a To-Do list
Always keep a physical notebook in you're pocket. Plan one week ahead for everything. It may be in your personal life or professional life.
This also helps with more important things. You'll understand the importance of "prioritization" and get motivation.
You can also use google calendar as a To-do list. This is free, you should have a Gmail account. This will help to organize things easily.
Know one knows how ideas come to our mind. So if you have an idea about any topic write it down.
This kind of simple thing will help you in creating a new article and can improve the existing one.
If you have a weekly to-do list build in advance, you can save 25 to 30% of your time. This time can be used in other things. rite.
So have both physical note pad. and utilize online tools like Google calendar for both to-do list and for time management.
6. Get Inspired by social media
Do you know social media is the best way to get inspired online? This is the place where you're not restricted.
Do you know, There are millions of bloggers who are stars on social media.
Join private and public groups of you're interest and are active in the group.
Ask for suggestions and comment on things that you like.
Platforms like Reddit are the best and proven ways to know, what is going on in the world, or on the things that you like.
Did you see this meme, this proves the power of Reddit.
You can know what is going on, in the market right now. what are the trendy things?
Quora is another Q&A platform where the success full bloggers come to "Inspire". so make sure to follow them on all platforms.
7. Take suggestions from your audience
If you ask any blogger, they would probably suggest, to take suggestions from the audience. Yes, it is true, and these methods work in real life.
This way you will be able to build stronger relationships with your audience.
Why is this good?
Your audience might have known you're mistaken from day one. if you're more transparent, you can improve your style and rectify errors.
8. Are you confident about the topic
The next question is "Are you Confident about the topic" Just for the sake of release, do not post an irrelevant article.
For example, you're writing an article about a place that you visited. But you might not have tried food in that area.
Just for the heading or article's sake don't post articles that you're not familiar with. this will sabatosh you trust.
Can you prove something, that is not existing? then do it. that will be the greatest thing.
9. Are you willing to give up $10,000 for this blog?
If I ask you this question what is your response?
If I place $10000 on the table and you're blog, which one do you choose?
If $10,000 then you won't fit in this path.
If you choose a blog rather then $10,000, then congratulations. You made the smart decision.
I'll tell you the reason, why should you choose a blog.
Yes! it will take time to be successful in blogging if you're able to master this field you can make three or more times of this amount in just a month.
10. Don't change your mind
A new blogger's mindset is very sensitive to new and different topics. Be careful about this, because, if you try too many things in blogging you'll fail.
Please choose a topic to perfect. Get the most out of it, and if you find nothing new about it, then try new things.
I wouldn't suggest you put all you're eggs in one basket. But initially, this is the best option.
For example. You like writing about money, then focus on one, master in it. then move on. Like start about "Forex", if you're familiar with it and there is no fresh content, then move to "Commodities".
This way you will be mastering one skill and you can transit to other things without losing you're confident in your previous blog.
Let's solve one more important puzzle about it and then we're done with picking the topic.
What blogs make quick money?
I know this would be your next question Right?
Let's address this one. What blogs make money.
To be frank any blog with a defined purpose will and can make money.
Let me give you an example.
If you're a traveler, and you use to blog everything about travel, I mean everything, like what food you eat, what places you saw.
Do you think you can make money out of that? Yes. you can.
If someone like me wants to go to Paris, what would I do to go to Google and search about the place?
If I saw your blog while scrolling and read the total blog and feel inspired and if I click on the Ad / Advertisement or the link to book a hotel, you will get money for that.
So let's see what blogs can make money.
As I said if you have a grip on the Niche you can make money.
Here is the list of top blogging Niches "
1. Automobile blog "Thanks to Tesla"
2. Crafts and DYE
3. Health Blog "Thanks to Covid"
4. Food and Recipes
5. Fitness Blog
6. Fashion or Lifestyle Blog
7. Money
8. Pet Blog
9. Technology Blog
10. Travel Blog
These are the top 12 Blogs that make more money than other blogs. But these are the most profitable blogs in 2020. This may vary but topics don't change
1. Automobile Blog
Yes. Automobile Blog is the trendy thing since Tesla released its Flagship model "Model S". even I was shocked.
Tesla gave the boost to the auto blogger, this bloggers also blog about Space, Renewable energy, and Climatic Conditions.
There is no wonder why Elon musk is Real life Tony stark. All the social platforms are also filling up with this content.
2. Crafts DYE Blog
Every day is not Thanks Giving day but, Every day is Christmas for someone on the planet.
If they want to wish or present someone something, they would go to Google and search for Crafts or Gift items to present.
I know this will drive Amazon traffic more than you think. No offense "Jeff"
3. Health Blogging
You don't believe Guys Due to COVID every one I mean every single person is health cautious and taking care of themselves more than ever before.
Existing Health bloggers are really happy about this. Their traffic source has skyrocketed.
Every one is Doctor to themselves now. With Google and with you're health blog in it.
4. Food & Recipes
Haha, my favorite part. Food and Recipes are evergreen Blogging topic guys. Whatever be the place, you need food to live.
There are thousands of blogs out there that tell about Food. But every new unique food blog will hit instantly. "If the Food or the Recipe Good;)"
Many people started blogging on food are now owning their own Restaurant. "Passion"
5. Fitness Blog's
Fitness is on the rise since 2014, I don't know why. Maybe we're more cautious to words our health more than ever.
Fitness bloggers are also some times Fitness trainers. They may have their own YouTube channel. But just like any Fitness trainer, you should have your love for fitness. and start a blog.
6. Fashion and Lifestyle
Fashion and lifestyle blogs are the most-watched and followed blogs by teenagers age between "18 to 27".
If you like fashion why cont you make another source of passive income and build your own Brand.
These bloggers are real marketers.
They can sell from Nail polish $10 to Diamond ring $500000+.
7. Money and Stuff
I Know, by the end of the day everything Boils Down to "Money". Money is the King. Money making blogs are the most popular blogs in 2020.
And they will continue to stay like that for some more time. It is not easy to sell. But making money with Blogging is easy.
Bloggers make Thousands of dollars by blogging and coaching on the money.
8. Pet Blog's
"Loin is the King in the Jungle" But "Kitty is the king on the Internet". Thanks to Tailer Swift.
Okay, Pet Blogs are a real money-making machine.
Let me tell you how. everyone owns a pet, and they care for them.
Pet bloggers teach various things in their blogs and also promote their own products and services.
9. Technology Blog
Teche Guys like this part more than anything. Technology, one word that tells everything from Modern Civilization.
Thanks to the Internet you're able to read this blog and I'm able to educate you about it. Great right.
every day there is a new technology or software or hardware that is released into the market and you and want to know about it.
so we go to Google "Another tech" and search for it.
Technology is my favorite part personally.
10. Travel Blog
The travel industry is not in good shape right now due to COVID. But, once this is the real deal.
Travel bloggers make more money than they spend on the total trip.
If you like to travel, just start a blog. Don't give any second chance. enjoy the scariness grab a cup of Tea or Coffee and start writing down.
This way you will tell the world about your journey and others will get to know about that place.
That's it Guys These are the top blogs that make more money on the blogging world.
There are many more niche bloggers that make money, But I took total industry as a total.
Since You're here let me give you another topic
11. Financial Blogs
Financial Blogs Like Personal Financial blogs, Stock market blogs, Investments blogs are also the most popular blogs.
These are the most profitable blogs too.
Since the audience base is well-financed they tend to spend more on personal Financing tips.
This will work for those with Good knowledge in the field.
Congratulations !!!!
If you're able to pick a topic that you want to blog That's great. If you don't, need not worry, I have got a suggestion, take a notebook to write down all you're interests, and select the top 5.
Write a topic on that and show it to your friend or anyone. collect the feedback. Then finalize a topic or "if you want to live on one thing for the next 5 years what would you pick". Choose that.
What do you think, and what are your plans? if you want to start blogging comment on the topic that you want to blog about. or if you're a blogger and looking for a fresh start tell me what are your topic's ill try to help.
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